Monday, July 20, 2009

A few of my favorite things...........

Favorite Drink:White chocolate mocha w/irish cream,cherry coke
Favorite Treat:Neilsens frozen custard mmmmm,caramello,choc chip cookies, oh I could go on for hours.
Favorite color: hmmm thats tough, I don't know.
Favorite dinner:Anything that involves my whole family sitting around me...........
Favorite place: Andros,Florida,Mexico, anywhere tropical.
Favorite animal: My Sadie of course and Zachary (R.I.P)
Favorite Restaurant: Zucharelli's in Florida (Always cravin the Pasta al a Vodka)
Favorite Hobby: SHOPPING of course!
Favorite sound: Children laughing really hard. Its music to my ears.
Favorite band: Nikelbak it this present moment. Can't wait till the concert next month.
Favorite clothing item: Hmm too many to list
Favorite gift: My children of course!!!
Favorite fruit: Mango,honeydew
And those are a few of my favorite things...............


AJ Williams said...

I am so sorry that I am just getting back to you! I just barely checked my blog!! It's been a really hard summer, my husband's father passed away and it was a long and sad battle, so we had family in town all the time, we just didn't know when he would pass. So I am really behind on lots of stuff!! I know you must have started dance already, I am just at a point now to be thinking about it. There is a new place that opened here in Daybreak, so I am going to try one class out to see if it will work. It's so much closer, it would take me 5 min, and I could ride my bike, which I need to do. But I would love you to come over next week and we could let the girls play. It would be great to see you again!! Ava would love to play with Addie. Call me! AJ 231-2325